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Most importantly, Oua is a mama-owned business. I started Oua in 2023 with limited time and resources but relentless love and a commitment to show my girls determination, perseverance and the responsibility that accompanies success. 


Oua is more than the products we make and sell.


50% of the proceeds from Warrior Poetry go to

the Special Operations Care Fund - a non-profit supporting active duty and retiring Special Operations service members and their families by providing resources and support to thrive in civilian life. 

To donate directly, visit


For all other purchases, a percentage goes towards the donation of blankets to the MyStuffBags Foundation - a non-profit that supports children entering foster care, crisis centers or homeless shelters by providing comfort items and essentials.

To donate directly, visit


As Oua grows, so will our impact. 


Thank you for supporting this small business!

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